The Federation of Arab Engineers was incorporated by representatives of Engineers syndicates of Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Kuwait in Damascus on 28/04/1963, and launched its activities with the Eighth Arab Engineering Conference held in Cairo during the period from 08-12/05/1963. The idea of establishing the Federation of Arab Engineers emerged after holding seven engineering conferences, the first conference was held by invitation from Egyptian Engineers Syndicate in Alexandria during the period from 15-18/03/1945, followed by the second conference held in Cairo during the period from 09-12/04/1946 in which a Permanent Committee for Arab engineering conferences was established; followed in succession by conferences convened in Damascus, Beirut, Baghdad, and Cairo. These conferences served as occasions and events for exchanging views regarding Arab engineers affairs, not only in the field of conferences but also in relation to engineer's problems and profession comprehensively; until the president of Iraqi Engineers syndicate in 1961 by virtue of a proposition to establish The Federation of Arab Engineers. Sic, the federation started its activity. Currently it includes eighteen engineering entity from 18 Arab country.
The strategic importance of the Mediterranean Area strongly imposed because of many factorsin the last years. The Mediterranean is today more than ever a fundamental strategic node forthe geopolitical international balance and for the enormous potentials it may express in terms ofdemand and offer of resources towards an autonomous and sustainable development.More than ten years ago, the European Union and twelve countries of the southern shore of theMediterranean have created a global partnership to make the Area a common space of peace,stability and prosperity. Political dialogue, economic, financial, social and cultural cooperationare the bases of the agreement.This process has given birth to a Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, thus providingthe region with a parliamentary forum that is uniquely placed to address common concerns andin which Mediterranean parliaments participate on an equal footing theThe inaugural Session of the new entity was held in Amman (Jordan), on September 2006. Veryinteresting, on my opinion, is a sentence in the final declaration of the Assembly which reads asfollows “A long-term vision of Mediterranean relations should prevail over short-term interests. Itis not only necessary but also possible to maintain a permanent political dialogue between allthe Mediterranean partners”Italy has an enviable geographic position as the European country closer to the African andMiddle East countries of the Mediterranean and sustainable development and appliedengineering are almost synonym.So, the Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri (CNI) thinks to have a role to play towards thetargets of development and streamlining of resources as well to encourage a flexible mobility inthe area. The establishment of cooperative efforts amongst the Mediterranean Associations ofEngineers within an agreed framework of intents has been our first stepThus, the so called “Engineering Associations of the Mediterranean Countries” (EAMC) hasbeen launched in Lecce under the auspices and collaboration of WFEO (World Federation ofEngineers’ Organizations) on the 8th of May 2014, at a Conference of the MediterraneanEngineering Associations.The initiative had the consensus of all the international Engineers’ Associations of the EuropeanMediterranean CLAIU-EU (Council Associations Long Cycle Engineers), ECEC (EuropeanCouncil Engineering Chambers), ECCE (European Council of Civil Engineers), FEANI(European Federation National Engineering Associations). Furthermore, FAE (Federation ofArab Engineers) gave its support and collaboration to involve as many Arab Associations aspossible.This first Conference has been finalized to the mutual exchange of information on the educationand the professional systems in the various countries, and to analyze in-depth the perspectivesof engineers in the future decade. For this purpose, a common Statement of Intent with an operative Annex has been signed in Lecce by WFEO and the following 14 National Organisations of Engineers.Albanian Association of Consulting Engineers Engineering Associations o fMediterranean Countries Union Nationale des scientifiques et technologues algériensTechnical Chamber of CyprusEgyptian Syndicate of EngineersTechnical Chamber of GreeceConsiglio Nazionale degli IngegneriOrdre des Ingénieurs et Architectes du LibanLibyan Syndicate of EngineersChamber of Engineers of MaltaUnion Nationale des Ingénieurs Marocain General Union of Palestine Engineers Slovenian Chamber of Engineer Syrian Engineers Syndicate Ordre des Ingénieurs Tunisiens For the purpose of facilitating the mobility of engineers within the area, CNI drafted and illustrated in Lecce a research on the formation and professional systems in the various countries, concerning 21 Mediterranean countries. The results of such research were thesubject of a lively roundtable.A second roundtable focused on the cultural and social heritage: recovery, restoration,and improvement of the built environment, has been very successful.Last but not least, EAMC planned five technical tables on topics of particular relevance and complying with the strategic cooperation lines specified in the Annex to the Statement of Intent. In detail:? Exchange of information on national engineering education and professional systems to facilitate the free movement of the Engineers in the Mediterranean Area.? Promotion of sustainable and renewable energies, energy efficient lighting, and eco-friendly designs.? Sharing and transferring innovative technologies, in particular those related to safe water and sanitation, water-recycling systems waste treatment.? Exploring issues to safeguard of the cultural and social heritage, promoting restoration and renovation of the built environment.Climate change adaptation of infrastructures Engineering Associations of Mediterranean Countries The second Conference will be held probably in Egypt next year and we should to make an initial assessment of the activities undertaken and the results obtained.
The UAE Contractors’ Association UAE is a non- profit organization formed in 15 September 1985 under a decree number (137) 1985 from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The principal objective of the UAECA is to strengthen the UAE construction industry and the construction contracting business so that they can sustain their positive role in the task of national development of the UAE. This overall objective is a achieved by the following means: 1- Assisting in constant up gradation of technology at the disposal of contractors
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